Monday, April 20, 2009

How to Survive Finals Week

Finals week is completely new to me. I know all about exams and papers and drinking coffee to stay alive but...finals week?...that's new. We have a week dedicated to just finals? Okay, I've never done finals week before. I just study and take exams all the way to the end. But, when in know how it goes.

Finals Week: A period after classes have ended dedicated to handing in papers, taking exams, partying, cleaning out/packing one's stuff, and putting final touches on summer plans. (This definition is from the author's private stash.)

It's only Monday of my final week and I've pretty much finished my work. No more papers (one left to proof though), no more exams, no more reading, it is finished (hands now folded in a mock yoga position). After fifteen weeks of non-stop running, I can finally breathe. I realize I've been in the States for almost four full months, about four of those months missing different aspects of overseas life. Yet and end means a beginning and if you're familiar with overseas life, you already know it's paramount to accept and love new beginnings.

I'm not quite certain how anyone given to procrastination tendencies survive final week. I think they more or less loose their sanity. But my working ahead has paid off (that and I can't control the syllabus which in this case is working to my advantage, evil laugh in mock yoga position). I will spend my finals week as follows: cleaning up and cleaning out my room (which is already super clean and super organized, kind of boring), prepare for my summer jobs (which I will detail in upcoming blog postings and will be hugely cross cultural), update my blog (including writing some back postings to elaborate on cross cultural experiences in the United States), fit in some socializing (especially with graduating friends), catch up on emails (if I haven't emailed you, it's not because I don't love you), mock those who are running around (just a little), and generally enjoy my life. Oh and that reminds me, I need to buy coffee tomorrow.

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