Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How a Blog Refects the Author

As most post, this one will be informative (or at least that's what happens with...some...a few...maybe none of my posts are informative). With my life taking a new turn, so will my blog in refection of new experiences and new ideas.

Over the holiday season I returned to the United States to finish the last two years of university. With the first two years out of the way by using online programs, I'm physically attending Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg Virginia as a student in their world-known Peace and Justice department. The subject falls in line with much of what I might have shared in this blog and I'm honored to be part of the program and attending a university which celebrates diversity.

Upon my return to the States I discovered what I've long suspected, I have a muted inner-American. This was only confirmed with my craving for foreign food, the discovery that life without mosque noise is bizarre, and perplexity in the knowledge I'm now an ethnic majority. After life in foreign lands I'm innately multicultural. Yet despite the fact I now reside in my country of origin, I continue to view my new world and the world at large multiculturally and will pass on the insight to you.

I'm already facing new adventures including the need to learn the local language. Virginians are proud of their accent. I intend on finding many more adventures at university. First of all, living in a dorm with strangers, adapting to American food in a cafeteria and adjusting to a new climate, are challenges enough.

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