Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Survive Hot Season 2013

Though it is miserably hot, it's still busy at my local market in the Kingdom.

April is famous for being the worst month on the Cambodian calendar. 2013 ushered in what might win as the hottest of the three hot season I've experienced in the Kingdom. In fact, it's so hot that I'm starting to think in celsius. This means it's too hot. Starting about two weeks ago, we crossed into new levels of misery. We're current going at 31-33C with little sign of abating. I can't sugarcoat it. It's a terrible time of year and it could continue as late as June.

Prior to hot season, you work yourself up into a frenzy with fear of the heat. When it comes, it's basically what you expected. It's still awful, but it's rarely worse than you thought. Is the secret to surviving really managing expectations? I would hazard a yes.

Here are some of the strategies that I'm using this year:

  • Don't wear makeup. It's slides off.
  • Don't bother with your hair. It will only frizz.
  • Keep a fan on you at all time. 
  • Accept the sweat. Allow yourself to sweat constant.
  • Every hour, get a glass of water.
  • Wear a loose fitting shirt. 
  • Leave for work early. Bring your own lunch so you don't have to go out. Work at the same office all day so you can stay in AC.
  • Shower before work, when you return from work, when you go to bed. 
  • Midday trips home for a shower? Absolutely. An outfit change? Unquestionably.
  • No soup (if it can be helped)
  • Constantly ask your Khmer colleagues if it's hot. If they say yes, feel validated.
  • Own your misery. Don't pretend to be awesome. Don't be that person. 
We shall hope this season eases up. The saving grace is the AC in my bedroom. While I listen guilty to my colleagues as they confess they can't sleep in this awful heat, I'm thankful that I can sleep. In the end, it would be miserable for everyone if I didn't. None of us want that.

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