Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to Bring Hope to Easter

Easter 2011 arrived. As the biggest holiday on the Christian calendar and celebrated by billions around the world (it's own globalist phenomenon), I felt obligated to write something deep and profound, if only to draw a full circle on my Lenten and Good Friday musings. But I felt nothing. There are no words for Easter.

But thinking back over the journey of Lent. Lent begin when I was struggling to understand my life here. Lent was a period of silence as we reflect on the tragedy of death and grief and loss. Lent became my period of grief for social ills in Cambodia. But as Lent progressed, pieces began falling into place for me. I began finding those little things which restore the soul and bring me joy. As time progressed to Lent, I was blessed to see droplets of hope, rainstorms, smiling faces, expanding joys and challenges in work, and the development of special friendships, and the tears of the saints.

This Easter, I find myself and my new independently global nomadic self, reflecting on one thing, the most important thing, the one most important thing which changes our lives forever. 

We are loved. 

As someone who aimlessly wanders through life and finds myself in strange places, I need this knowledge. As one of many people who feel personally responsible to remedy social issues wherever I am, I need this knowledge. There are mountains and valleys, and there are dark periods which end with the restoration of our very souls. Easter is all the more sweet because of Lent. 

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