Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to Mark Kingdom Birthdays

Phnom Penh Ferris Wheel View- Birthday Year  Three
I've just marked my third birthday in the Kingdom. From 2005-2009, I lived in a different place for each birthday. This was followed by a stunning three birthday set in the Kingdom. This both excites and bothers me. Three in one place seems practically boring...well...yeah...boring.

The nice thing about birthdays in the same place for three years is that it allows you to make friends and build on previous years. It's also quite nice when the day before your birthday is a public holiday, as has been the case in Cambodia. I've not had to work on my birthday in the Kingdom (except this year we did have a board meeting I was obligated to attend). It's also interesting how each birthday has been representative of where I have been at that point.

Year One: I had been in Cambodia exactly 10 days. I didn't know anyone except colleagues who I didn't know very well. So I watched movies and later walked to a nearby coffee shop for a mango cheesecake. I was a little frustrated that I hadn't done a better job of moving earlier that year instead of later which might have reduced the self-pity I felt on that day. Year One was confusing and isolating.

Year Two: My birthday fell over Water Festival which meant that I didn't have to work, and I had fireworks on my birthday, what more can you ask for! I went to a beautiful swimming pool with new friends. I count from my this second birthday onward as point when I came to love my life here. From then on, I knew I had friends who I could call on and count on to make life full and happy. Year Two was joy-filled and full of friendfs.

Year Three: While falling on a Saturday (the last Saturday birthday was in 2007 and I went to a medieval Zimbabwean civilization), I had a Board meeting in the morning for one of our partners. However, the day got better and better; silly movies, Indonesian food and a trip to the local Khmer amusement park finished off by live bluegrass music. I'm not that far into Year Three, but it looks to be a roller coaster of friends, work and definately food; feeling at home but also bracing for the unknown.

From here on, I have only more to be thankful for. From here on, we shall have to see where I celebrate the next birthday...

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